On October 31, 2018, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) released final fiscal year 2018 data showing increases in various actions alleging sexual harassment. Specifically, the EEOC’s data shows a 13.6 percent increase in charges of discrimination alleging sexual harassment, and a 50 percent increase in lawsuits alleging sexual harassment. Additionally, the EEOC reported that hits to its sexual harassment webpage have doubled in the last year, which the EEOC attributes to the #metoo movement..

In connection with the release of the fiscal year 2018 data, the EEOC also held a meeting at its headquarters in Washington, D.C. on “Revamping Workplace Culture to Prevent Harassment.” Acting EEOC Chair Victoria A. Lipnic spoke at the meeting and stated, “Leadership and accountability set the tone and the expectation that harassment will not be tolerated in a workplace,” and that “Over the past year, we have seen far too many examples of significant gaps in both areas.” Various other speakers also presented ideas focusing on innovative training approaches and holistic solutions for employers to implement.

The attorneys at Chilivis Grubman represent clients of all types and sizes in connection with employment-related matters, including those brought under Title VII and similar employment discrimination statutes. For any questions, or if we can be of any assistance with such a matter, please contact us at (404) 262-6505 or sgrubman@cglawfirm.com.