On June 17, 2024, the Georgia Ethics Commission entered a final order against Georgia state Representative Carl Gilliard (D-Savannah) finding that he had “improperly utilized approximately $30,000.00 in campaign contributions,” which Rep. Gilliard acknowledged.  He has to return those funds to his campaign and pay a $17,000 civil penalty for a total of $47,000.

The order notes that Rep. Gilliard “failed to disclose approximately 110 expenditures totaling approximately $54,000.00” and failed to file several campaign disclosure reports and personal financial disclosure statements, which are required to be filed by elected officials.

Georgia law requires that all candidates and elected officials make certain periodic disclosures and allows campaign funds to be used only for the “ordinary and necessary expenses . . . incurred in connection with such candidate’s campaign for elective office or such public officer’s fulfillment or retention of such office.”

The attorneys at Chilivis Grubman represent clients of all types and sizes in connection with campaign finance and election law.  If you need assistance with such a matter, please contact us today.