Downtown Atlanta’s plan to reconnect neighborhoods through greenspace atop freeway lanes has reached a new milestone with the release of its draft master plan. Central Atlanta Progress (CAP) introduced the Stitch proposal eight years ago, and the nearly 1,000-page document now provides detailed historical context, site analysis, phased plans, and visuals. Developed over 18 months with input from over 6,000 stakeholders, the plan outlines a phased approach, including land-use policies, affordable housing sites, and transportation upgrades, with a focus on community inclusivity.

Project leaders expect significant developments in 2025, with phase one designs in progress and construction scheduled to begin in 2026. The initial phase will feature greenspace with pathways, gardens, plazas, and playgrounds. Subsequent phases, planned for 2029 and 2033, aim to expand the project, resulting in 14 acres of public space by 2036, pending diverse funding sources. Community support will be critical to the project’s success.

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