Dec 4, 2023 | federal investigations
Tax return preparer fraud is one of the IRS’ Dirty Dozen Tax Scams, and the government continues its efforts to eradicate it. On November 13, 2023, the Department of Justice announced a federal court was permanently enjoining a Houston-area tax return preparer and her...
Dec 4, 2023 | federal investigations
In a landmark trial concluding on November 16, two prominent California-based corporate executives, Simon Chu and Charley Loh, faced charges of conspiracy and failure to report information related to defective residential dehumidifiers. Significantly, this case is the...
Oct 25, 2023 | Criminal Matters, federal investigations
Since 2020, Chilivis Grubman attorneys have tracked and written about indictments, guilty verdicts, and prison sentences related to COVID-19 relief programs. CG attorneys have cautioned that no person, despite fame or title, is immune to the government’s efforts. ...
Jul 12, 2023 | federal investigations
On July 7, the Department of Justice announced Eleazar Medina Rojas, a Mexican national known as Chelelo, has made his initial appearance in the District of Columbia to address allegations of international cocaine and marijuana trafficking. According to court...
Jun 26, 2023 | federal investigations
On June 2, the Department of Justice announced the sentencing of Batyr Myatiev, of Florida, for conspiring to defraud the United States and conspiring to harbor aliens and induce them to remain in the United States. According to court documents and statements made in...
Apr 3, 2023 | federal investigations
On Friday, March 24, 2023, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law House Bill H.B. 837, which enacts major tort reform within the state. Supporters of the legislation say that the reforms were necessary to reduce frivolous lawsuits and limit the hidden costs...