A Legacy Of Experience
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Practice Areas
We Are A Full Service
Law Firm
Many of our clients are facing criminal investigations, civil lawsuits, and administrative licensing issues simultaneously in parallel proceedings. We represent clients in all of these areas, which means we can coordinate legal strategies in pursuit of the best overall outcome with minimal disruption to business operations.
White Collar Defense
Data & Cyber Security
Unmatched Focus on Success for Our Clients
The attorneys at Chilivis Grubman have extensive experience handling white collar criminal and civil matters in federal courts throughout the country as well as throughout the state of Georgia, with a proven record of success achieving results for our clients.
Whatever your situation, our lawyers will provide you with the knowledgeable guidance and strong advocacy you need. For over thirty years, we have been the firm that individuals and businesses turn to to solve complex problems.
over 30 years
Making Your Case Our Priority
The attorneys at Chilivis Grubman have been serving clients in Georgia and throughout the country for decades. Our firm represents business of all types and sizes, as well as individuals, in connection with all facets of white collar criminal, civil, and administrative litigation, as well as with government affairs and campaign finance and election law.
From Our Blog
Fraud Liability For Meaningful Use Attestation
In December, Chilivis Grubman attorney Scott Grubman issued a healthcare compliance alert regarding the electronic health records (EHR) meaningful...
Mastej v. Health Management Associates, Inc.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to clarify the level of detail required to satisfy Rule 9 (b) in alleging claims under the False Claims...
Putting Healthcare Providers on the “RAC”
Several years ago, the federal government required states receiving Medicaid money (i.e., all of them) to institute the Recovery Audit Contractor,...
Government Releases Physician Prescription Data
Yesterday, as part of its continuing “data transparency initiative,” CMS released detailed data on over a billion prescriptions dispensed to...
Common Insurance Billing Errors
As we all know, most medical care today is paid for by third-party insurance, and the physician usually sends the bill directly to the insurance...
Top 3 Reasons to Hire an Experienced Attorney Before Your Case Goes Before a Grand Jury
If you are being charged with any kind of crime, you will want a seasoned attorney to defend you; however, if you are facing the possibility of your...
Six Quick Tips on Using Expert Witnesses
Cases are frequently won – or lost – based on expert testimony. Chilivis Grubman attorneys have extensive experience in a wide range of complex...
Check the OIG Exclusions Database! Doing Business With Excluded Individuals or Entities Can Lead to Substantial Liability In January 2015, an...
My bank manager is forging deposit slips. Who do I tell?
In 2012, a bank manager in Marietta, Georgia was arrested for fraud and forgery for using information in the Chase Bank’s branch to cash thousands...
The data entry personnel is selling the personal information of those in the hospital. Who can I tell?
In 2014, 60 minutes did a segment highlighting data brokers and how they are collecting and selling personal information. This is an ever increasing...

1834 Independence Square
Atlanta, Ga 30338
Phone: (404) 233-4171
Fax: (404) 261-2842