As the political arena gears up for the upcoming 2024 election, the spotlight is not only on the candidates but also on the crucial aspect of campaign finance. Understanding the key dates and regulations surrounding campaign finance is essential for both candidates and voters. If you are a candidate or potential candidate, a political action committee or campaign committee, a political enthusiast or simply a voter, you will want to note many if not all of the dates outlined below.

Election dates are in black, campaign finance reporting deadlines are in red, and other key dates are in blue; the most critical are in bold and underlined.

March 4 Candidate qualifying begins at 9:00 a.m.; first day to request an absentee ballot for the Primary.
March 8 Candidate qualifying ends at 12:00 p.m.
April 22 Last day to register to vote in the Primary (and Primary Runoff).
April 29 Advanced (absentee in-person) voting begins for the Primary.
April 30 Campaign Disclosure Reporting Deadline (covers February 1 – April 30).  Report grace period ends May 7.
May 17 Last day to submit an absentee ballot for the Primary.
May 21 Primary Election
June 18 Primary Election Runoff (if applicable)
June 30 Campaign Disclosure Reporting Deadline (covers May 1 – June 30).  Report grace period ends July 9.
August 19 First day to request an absentee ballot for the General Election.
September 30 Campaign Disclosure Reporting Deadline (covers July 1 – September 30).  Report grace period ends October 7.
October 7 Last day to register to vote in the General (and General Runoff).
October 15 Advanced (absentee in-person) voting begins for the General.
October 25 Campaign Disclosure Reporting Deadline (covers October 1 – 25).  Report grace period ends November 1.
November 1 Last day to submit an absentee ballot for the General Election.
November 5 General Election
December 3 General Election Runoff (if applicable)
December 31 Campaign Disclosure Reporting Deadline (covers October 26 – December 31).  Report grace period ends January 8, 2025.


The attorneys at Chilivis Grubman represent clients of all types and sizes in connection with campaign finance and election law.  If you need assistance with such a matter, please contact us today.